Attempt Number Four

Attempt Number Four

I had an old blog that I tried three times to get moving but each time it died somewhere between 1 and 10 posts. The most recent iteration is still alive at the moment and I started to revive it but I figured maybe starting fresh would help me make this time different. Plus it gave me an excuse to delay writing as I worked to come up with a suitable domain name, searched for themes, and configure the server.

So why am I trying again when I am not a huge fan of writing? First, writing blog posts will help me to enhance my writing skills. The blog gives me a place to record accomplishments which is supposedly good for the soul. And finally, I know that the lessons I learn in setting things up, working on projects and solving problems will help me at some point in the future and might even help someone else so I should write them down. Even while I was dragging my feet with getting this site off the ground I started writing up posts about things I had been working on. I didn’t want a blank blog staring at me again, I wanted the site to have some content when it finally went live.

Why The Voltage Source? I have an Electrical Engineering degree and the name just seemed like it had a lot of potential ;). I thought about names like or but I didn’t want to fuel any latent bitterness about me being an engineer but not being allowed to drive a train.

What will you find here? You will find the thoughts and records of an EE as he recounts projects and accomplishments. The posts on this blog will range from personal accomplishments and projects with my son, to how I got some new application working, electronics I created or built, and my ventures into programming. I can’t promise that I won’t stray outside of those parameters but that is the direction I am pointing myself in. I hope you find something in these pages that helps or inspires you. IF you do, feel free to comment on a post and let me know!

My goal for this blog in 2019 is to have a reasonable size blog post at least every two weeks with other shorter thoughts and notes interspersed. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you visit again in the near future.


P.S. I’m still not happy with the theme so it might change at some point in the future.

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