Inspirational Air Conditioning

Inspirational Air Conditioning

My air conditioner is what jump started my adventure with Home Assistant last year and since then it has inspired several other projects along this journey. This time my goal was to get a peak behind the curtain and see some details that Lennox didn’t feel was necessary to share with the users. The AC system has a two stage compressor which allows it to more efficiently maintain the desired temperature. Also, the thermostat can cycle the system to meet…

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Leveling Up in Python

Leveling Up in Python

I started learning Python several years ago when I powered on my first Raspberry Pi. Between reading books from the library, wearing out the Google search bar and watching online courses, I got to where I could read and write Python with some fluency. Until recently, the extent of my Python programming was a script here or there to do a task with no regard for how it behaved if things weren’t perfect. I am not a programmer by trade,…

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The Good 1040

The Good 1040

At the end of 2017 I set a goal to ride my bicycle an average of 20 miles per week in 2018. Doing the math that meant I needed to log 1040 miles on my bike in 365 days. I had probably ridden less than 40 miles on my bike in 2017, let alone 1040. So why this crazy goal? Some of it was peer pressure and some was turning 40. My weight was higher than it should be as…

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Attempt Number Four

Attempt Number Four

I had an old blog that I tried three times to get moving but each time it died somewhere between 1 and 10 posts. The most recent iteration is still alive at the moment and I started to revive it but I figured maybe starting fresh would help me make this time different. Plus it gave me an excuse to delay writing as I worked to come up with a suitable domain name, searched for themes, and configure the server….

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Passing Down Knowledge

Passing Down Knowledge

In the entry way of my house we have a small table with a lamp on it. We have had it there for the last 10 years. It looks nice but the lamp has never been turned on. The reason is there is no power outlet in the entry way. We kept the lamp there because we thought it looked nice even if it couldn’t be used. I recently decided it was time to change this situation and install an…

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